
College: University of Mississippi

Hometown: Howell, New Jersey

Class: 2019

Major: At Ole Miss, I will be majoring in Biology. I will continue following along this Pre-Med path for all 4 years. Eventually, I wish to attend the Ole Miss Medical School.

Celeb Crush: Dylan O'Brien. Not only is he the cutest and most attractive human being I have ever seen on the face of the Earth, but his humorous and awkward personality brightens my day.

Favorite Song: OBVIOUSLY Spice Girl's "WANNABE". This song is the greatest jam of all time! Lets be honest, who wouldn't sing and dance along to this? You must be an absolute boring and arrogant person to not like this song! 

Biography: Yes, I am coming from way up north to attend a southern school, but the reason is because I would love to experience a new way of life. I visited Oxford a month ago, and let me tell you, New Jersey and Mississippi are from two completely different worlds. to be honest, the people in Mississippi are way nicer lol. Just because I am from New Jersey, don't think right away that I act like those typical-Italian guidos from "The Jersey Shore". WE ARE NOT ALL LIKE THAT I PROMISE! Anyway, I live in a town where almost everybody knows something about each other. I go to Howell High School. There, I am in all AP Classes and I run student-held events. While busy handling all these responsibilities, I also make time to play varsity soccer, travel soccer, track, and have a social life as well! Well, this is me. Just your typical, American, funny, spirited and outgoing Jersey girl. I can talk to anyone about anything. You could be the most angry, self-centered, and sensitive person ever and I can instantly put you in a great mood. I will always be there to support and motivate anybody, even a total stranger.

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