
College: University of Iowa

Hometown: West Branch, Iowa

Class: 2019

Major: Elementary Education

Biography: I will be attending the University of Iowa from 2015-2019 and I plan to major in Elementary Education with a minor in some sort of Biomedical Engineering. I have played football, basketball, golf and baseball during my high school years. I also plan on joining club golf at Iowa and trying to walk on to the varsity team. I am very social and expect to meet a lot of great people at Iowa. I am very passionate about the things that I do and put 110% effort into whatever I do. My favorite color is probably gold (Go Hawks). I'd say my favorite memory is winning the conference championship in golf my senior year. My hobbies include golf, basketball, badminton, lifting and hanging out with friends. I'd say I'm not going to rush because I want to know a little more about it before I do. I would say my most embarrassing memory is whiffing while playing golf! Something that people don't know about me is that I am afraid of heights!!

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