
College: University of Alabama

Hometown: South Riding, Virginia

Class: 2019

Major: I'm going to major in Exercise Science but I also have such a liking for Special Education so I haven't decided if I'm going to do anything with that there

Favorite Song: Cheerleader by Felix J

Favorite Artist: Miley Cyrus

Greek or Geed: I have never seen myself as a typical southern sorority girl, but I am so excited to rush and go through the process. I cannot wait to gain the bond that you get from having a house full of sisters you can rely on, along with being able to do tremendous service to the community around me.

Biography: I was in Peru over spring break and it was so popular down there and ever since then I have loved it. I'm love sports and anything to do with them, and played them all through high school and plan to participate in some in Alabama! Well, other then that I'm just an extremely outgoing laid-back girl!

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