
College: University of Alabama

Hometown: Indiana

Class: 2019

Major: I am planning on double majoring in business marking and management information systems! So I know how to work a crowd and get everyone involved in what's new around campus!

Greek or Geed: I am planning on rushing not only for the benefits of an amazing family away from home and wonderful girls to live life with, but also the networking that comes out of sorority life.

Biography: I am known as the cake girl here in my city, I make wedding cakes, cupcakes, and I often cater events with my dessert bars. Even though I love baking what I am most proud of is a non for profit organization I have personally created. It is called Kottages 4 Kids. It began last year after I went on a mission trip to Zambia Africa and realized orphanages needed to be built. To this day I have raised over $88,000 with myself and 7 other team members. Our goal is $196,000 which will save over 80 children from the poverty stricken streets of Africa. I am a very outgoing person which has helped in spreading the world about K4K and I know I could do the same with The Tribune. So excited to be apart of the alabama legacy, roll tide! 

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